On the fest day a cultural festival at a college or organised by the student clubs & community, involving participants from other colleges as well. Professional performing artists are also typically invited, and a number of competitions are held for students..

woman in red dress holding microphone
woman in red dress holding microphone
group of people standing on stage
group of people standing on stage
women's black shirt lot
women's black shirt lot
a group of people in green shirts and white pants marching down a street
a group of people in green shirts and white pants marching down a street
a large group of people walking down a street
a large group of people walking down a street
  • Ch.Pream Kiran- 7382757616

  • N.Manasa-7382493915

  • J.Mounisha-9494165435

  • R.Alekhya-9652717989

person holding black iPhone displaying don't be stranger
person holding black iPhone displaying don't be stranger

Singing (Solo /Group) Rules

  • This event is common for ALL categories.

  • You may sing a solo song or a group song (all comes under same platform).

  • You may choose any of the zoners (Patriotic / Folk / Classical/ etc.,)

  • Song maybe from any Indian language

  • No vulgarity / offensive literature is allowed and it should be in a manner that the fealings of any religion or community should not get hurt.

  • Judges decision is final.

Skit/Drama/MIME Rules

  • You can perform any one of the art form either Skit/ Drama/ Mime

  • No restriction of number of participants (single or team)

  • You can choose any one theme

  • No vulgarity / offensive literature/ dialogues is/are allowed

  • Judges decision is final.

Solo/Group Dance Rules

  • This event is common for ALL categories.

  • You may give solo /group performance (all comes under same platform).

  • Your track should not exceed Max. of 6 Min. (You need to bring your tracks)

  • No vulgarity is allowed

  • Judges decision is final.

  • Preliminary Round:

  • This is a group event. (Min. 4 & Max. 20)

  • ALL the participants will be assembled at one place, giving NUMBERING (Group of 20 Max.)

  • They are allowed to dance to music tracks for a maximum of 15 minutes. (You need to bring your tracks.)

  • 5 teams will get shortlisted for the Final Round.

  • Vulgarity is strongly prohibited. Any form of obscenity will lead to debarring the participant from the contest.

  • No tube tops, no single strip tops, dress should be knee length, no cleavage showing, and no

  • backless

  • Final round:

  • The short listed teams will be asked to perform using various music forms; they should contain Mix of classical, Folk and Western (You need to bring your tracks—maximum of 5 min.);

  • The track should not be repeated from that of the preliminary round.

  • Short listing criteria will be announced by the judges before the start of the event.

  • Decision of the judges will be final and binding.

Flashmob Rules

Cultural Attaire Rules

  • The theme for the event will be 'Tradition for Prosperity'.

  • This is a solo event. This is common for male and female participants.

  • The time limit for every team would be 2 minutes (including walk & talk).

  • Vulgarity is strongly prohibited. Any form of obscenity will lead to debarring the participant from the contest.

  • No tube tops, no single strip tops, dress should be knee-length, no cleavage

  • showing, and no backless (unless traditional).

  • Participants will be judged on costumes, theme, walking stance, attitude and tag

  • line (single sentence only)

  • The tagline line may be in Telugu or Hindi, which Depicts your attitude.

  • This tagline may be spelled by the participant.

  • Later, each participant should say any one sentence based on their own theme, Indian philosophy, or Indian culture. It may be poetic/phonetic.

  • The decisions of the judges will be final and binding.

  • All costumes are permitted, which maintain decency, including original costumes & fashion designs.

  • Purchased, professionally made, or rented costumes are permitted.

  • Walking fashion will be explained during the time of the event.